Welcome to Isoria!
Nestled in the Atlantic Ocean, across the states of New Jersey and Delaware in the United States, lies a secret and magical country hidden from nonmagus (human) eyes. Hover over each plus sign (desktop only) to explore Isoria, or scroll down to view the complete list under the map.
Erudite Square
With its classical architecture, Erudite Square is known as Isoria's academic center. It's home to many schools, Isoria's famous library, and Isoria Academy's main center.

Ignair: School of Fire Sorcery and Practices
Isoria Academy's Fire school. Ignair once belonged to King Bryce Ives, ruler of the Incendors, or those who practice Fire sorcery.
Ignair: School of Fire Sorcery and Practices
The original and oldest Fire town in Isoria. Ivestowne once belonged to the kingdom of Ignair.
Red Halo Island
Haven to Isoria's dragons. Legend says that the Draconians, or those with the ability to communicate with and tame dragons, resided on this island before they became extinct.
Arayis: school of Air Sorcery and Practices
Isoria Academy's Air school. Arayis once belonged to King Kyson Artus, ruler of the Aermages, or those who practice Air sorcery.
The original and oldest Air town in Isoria. Aerbourne once belonged to the kingdom of Arayis.
Crowned Rock
The original and oldest Earth town in Isoria. Crowned Rock once belonged to the kingdom of Terrona.
Terrona: School of Earth Sorcery and Practices
Isoria Academy's Earth school. Terrona once belonged to Queen Blythe Testrian, ruler of the Terramancers, or those who practice Earth sorcery.
Known as the "Rainbow City" for its colorful houses and shops. This is also where MISTIC's headquarters is hidden.
The capital of Isoria and Isoria's main city.
Azzurri Falls
The original and oldest Water town in Isoria. Azzurri Falls once belonged to the kingdom of Aquium.
Shadow's Pass
Impossible path that no person can cross and survive. It guards Cyril Obsidian's fort by preventing anyone from traveling on foot.
Fort Obsidian
Once known as Westwin, Isoria's main port before it was taken over by Cyril Obsidian, Isoria's most feared sorcerer. It now offers a home to Obsidian and protects him from invasion.
King Leo's Palace
The king of Isoria's palace and government. The Royal Court is also located here.
Isoria Academy's Water school. Aquium once belonged to Queen Anastasia Azzurri, ruler of the Aquatists, or those who practice Water sorcery.
Erudite Square
With its classical architecture, Erudite Square is home to Isoria's many schools, its famous library, and even the Isoria Academy Main Center.
The original and oldest Air town in Isoria. Aerbourne once belonged to the kingdom of Arayis.
Aquium: school of Water Sorcery and Practices
Isoria Academy's Water school. Aquium once belonged to Queen Anastasia Azzurri, ruler of the Aquatists, or those who practice Water sorcery.
Arayis: School of Air Sorcery and Practices
Isoria Academy's Air school. Arayis once belonged to King Kyson Artus, ruler of the Aermages, or those who practice Air sorcery.
The capital of Isoria and Isoria's main city.
Azzurri Falls
The original and oldest Water town in Isoria. Azzurri Falls once belonged to the kingdom of Aquium.
Crowned Rock
The original and oldest Earth town in Isoria. Crowned Rock once belonged to the kingdom of Terrona.
Erudite Square
With its classical architecture, Erudite Square is home to Isoria's many schools, its famous library, and even the Isoria Academy Main Center.
Fort Obsidian
Once known as Westwin, Isoria's main port before it was taken over by Cyril Obsidian, Isoria's most feared sorcerer. It now offers a home to Obsidian and protects him from invasion.
Ignair: School of Fire Sorcery and Practices
Isoria Academy's Fire school. Ignair once belonged to King Bryce Ives, ruler of the Incendors, or those who practice Fire sorcery.
The original and oldest Fire town in Isoria. Ivestowne once belonged to the kingdom of Ignair.
King Leo's Palace & The United Royal Imperium of Isoria
The king of Isoria's palace and government. The Royal Court is also located here.
Known as the "Rainbow City" for its colorful houses and shops. This is also where MISTIC's headquarters is hidden.
Red Halo Island
Haven to Isoria's dragons. Legend says that the Draconians, or those with the ability to communicate with and tame dragons, resided on this island before they became extinct.
Shadow's Pass
Impossible path that no person can cross and survive. It guards Cyril Obsidian's fort by preventing anyone from traveling on foot.
Terrona: School of Earth Sorcery and Practices
Isoria Academy's Earth school. Terrona once belonged to Queen Blythe Testrian, ruler of the Terramancers, or those who practice Earth sorcery.